What should you do if you received an injection to help your pain…but it didn’t work?
Hang in there! I know its frustrating that this happened but there is still hope. We cases all of the time about this and patients still get pain free with the right treatment approach
There are 2 reasons this happens:
the injection didn’t address the root cause of your pain. this could be that they missed the direct location or that the site they did inject isn’t the root cause of your pain
there are underlying impairments that have not been addressed. – these are cases when the pain was reduced after the injection but within day the pain returns. These underlying impairments need to be addressed in order to get pain free
There is always a root cause to your pain and you just need a specialist to solve your root cause and underlying impairments. This is key to getting pain free
Here at Pursuit we specialize in treating cases that have failed prior treatments and solving the root cause. For more information about our treatment approach or to find out what patients are saying about their results just
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