| At Home Leg Workout...(Without Weights)
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Home Leg Program

So I wanted to go to the gym this morning, when I got caught up in work and I ran out of time to go to the gym. It was leg day (so most of us would just skip it) But I have been really enjoying legs lately so I wanted to lift still I didn’t have enough time…so I decided to lift legs at home…without weights!

Here is what I did for legs at home:

Warm Up:  Foam rolling quads, hamstrings, and calves.  quad stretch and hip flexor stretching   Lifts:   1. SL heel strikes – 3 x 10
2. SL squats from low chair 3 x 5
3. RDLs to table height without weight – 3 x 10
4.  side planks – 2 x 20 sec hold
5.  SL calf raises 3 x 10
6. DL squats to chair for reps – 3 x 20