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What Are The Early Signs Of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome?

Signs and symptoms of early Thoracic Outlet Syndrome to pay attention to are: some repetitive upper extremity motion triggers symptoms lateral neck tightness feel a chronic upper trap and side of neck deep ache possible...

What To Do If You Failed Surgery? (There’s Still Hope!)

Hang in there!...There is always a root cause of pain...even if you failed a surgery! Here are 3 reason why you may have failed the surgery there was a problem with the surgery they performed the surgery on the wrong place and missed the...

New Doctor, Ben England Joins Our Pursuit Fort Wayne Team!

New Doctor, Ben England Joins Our Pursuit Fort Wayne Team!

Welcome Dr. Ben England On Joining The Pursuit Team! We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Ben England, DPT,, FAAOMPT, has officially joined the Pursuit Physical Therapy team in Ft. Wayne! With his extensive expertise and passion for helping patients live pain-free,...

Understanding the Differences: Dry Needling Vs. Acupuncture

Understanding the Differences: Dry Needling Vs. Acupuncture

At Pursuit Physical Therapy, many patients ask, “Is dry needling the same as acupuncture?” The techniques may look alike since they both use thin needles. However, important differences exist in how people use them, their purpose, and their effects on the body. If you...

Can Dry Needling Help Recovery From A Muscle Strain In 2 Weeks?

Can Dry Needling Help Recovery From A Muscle Strain In 2 Weeks?

A recent case study article details the treatment of an active-duty soldier’s calf muscle strain injury using electrical dry needling combined with soft tissue mobilization. After the initial calf strain, electrical dry needling was used (above and below the strain...

The Pursuit Orlando Top 3 Physician List

Orthopedics Headache-Migraine TMJ Cervical Spine Shoulder Dr. Luke Oh Dr. Kannan Dr. Brown Dr. Daryl Osbahr - Rothman - shoulder and knee Elbow, Wrist, and Hand Dr. George White Dr. Luellen Dr. Leung Spine Dr. Chetan Patel Hip Dr. Hudanich Dr. Bryan Ruess Dr. McFadden...

At Home Leg Workout…(Without Weights)

Home Leg Program So I wanted to go to the gym this morning, when I got caught up in work and I ran out of time to go to the gym. It was leg day (so most of us would just skip it) But I have been really enjoying legs lately so I wanted to lift still I didn't have...