Sciatica Treatment Orlando - Pursuit Physical Therapy
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Best Orlando Treatment for

Sciatica Treatment

Learn How You Can Resolve Your Sciatica… Without Needing Painful Injections, Expensive Medications, And Surgery!

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“My pain went from a 9 to a 0 and I didn’t need surgery!”

Debi W

Julie C.

I had been dealing with severe lower back pain and sciatic never pain down my right leg for over ten months. The pain was so bad I could not bend over to complete simple household tasks….

Within a matter of a few weeks treatment, my pain went from a 9 to a 0 and I was able to complete simple tasks. And after about six weeks I was able to start Dr. Miller’s return to run program. I am grateful because I have my life back and I am able to go about my day and not have to worry about my back hurting or getting in the way of achieving what I want to accomplish. I would give everyone this advice: don’t let the doctor rush you into a quick surgery. Seek out someone like Dr. Miller and enjoy a less invasive form of healing.

“Do you believe in miracles?…I was pain free after two treatments! My back feels better than it has felt in at least a decade!”

Debi W

Raul M.

“Do You Believe in Miracles?? Over the course of my life I have suffered from a “bad back”. Most of the time I would do something that would tighten up my back and then it would put me out of commission. I would go to a doctor and they would give me the regular regimen of muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories. After about a week of that I would be back in action.

In November 2020 I hurt my back while trying to move my daughter’s dresser away from the wall. This time the regular regimen didn’t help. I was in pain every day. I went to a neurosurgeon and he confirmed through an MRI that I had a herniated disk at L5 which was pressing against my sciatica. This was causing pain in my back, buttock and back of leg. Also “Pins and needles” feeling in my legs and feet. After a couple of months the symptoms became less severe. Although I could no longer go to the gym I was able to get through the days albeit with some stiffness and pain. In August 2021 while helping my son practice before baseball tryouts I hurt my back again, this time I felt worse than before. I decided to try and find a physical therapist as a last resort before surgery. Luckily I found Pursuit and specifically Dr. Trey Martin. From the evaluation I realized that this place was different than anywhere else, as I was the only patient there with Trey the entire time. During that same eval session Dr. Martin let me know that we would also be doing treatment that day and that he was sure that he could have me pain free in 2 weeks. I wanted so badly to believe him, but based on how I felt I thought it wasn’t possible.

I have never been so happy to be wrong! I was pain free after two treatments which was one week! I am happy to report that I am not only pain free, but my back feels better than it has felt in at least a decade. I am back in the gym and also able to ride my bike and go for runs. I can get out of bed in the morning with no pain or stiffness. I thought all of this was no longer a possibility for me. If you are suffering from back issues I would highly recommend you do yourself a favor and try out Dr. Trey Martin at Pursuit.”

If This Is You…Then We Can Help!

You Don’t Know the root cause your sciatica, so treatments aren’t working as you’d like and your pain keeps coming back?

Your Hoping that your sciatica will just go away with rest, ice, Advil, and stretching…but nothing is working and you are still in pain daily. 

You Are Ready to start treatment and get relief now…but you need to wait 3 weeks to be seen by the specialist

lower back pain graphic

There’s a proven solution!

Your body and your pain are unique, so it won’t be fixed by a one-size-fits-all cookie-cutter, approach. Our proven treatment approach will solve the root cause of your pain and we will customize your treatment specifically to meet your needs. We won’t give up until we’ve determined exactly what is causing your pain. We have seen excellent results with:

  • Herniated discs
  • Chronic low back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Stenosis sciatica
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • SI Joint Problems
  • …and much more
lower back pain graphic


Your body and your pain are unique, so it won’t be fixed by a one-size-fits-all cookie-cutter, approach. Our proven treatment approach will solve the root cause of your pain and we will customize your treatment specifically to meet your needs. We won’t give up until we’ve determined exactly what is causing your pain.  We have seen excellent results with:
  • Herniated discs
  • Chronic low back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Stenosis
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • SI Joint Problems
  • Muscle Spasms
  • …and much more

“It was difficult to sleep at night and even walking…I was better after 3 treatments and the pain is gone!”

Debi W

Jeanette R.

“Maryann is a Godsend. This is not the first time she has helped me get through my pain. She helped me get through and over debilitating and excruciating sciatica a couple of years ago. This visit was for mid back and sciatic pain which I sustained following a fall. It was difficult to sleep at night, difficult to roll over, sit for extended periods and even walking elicited pain. With manual manipulation, exercises and a new therapy, dry needling, I was better after 3 treatments and the pain is gone! She is professional, caring, effective and knowledgeable. The staff that I met at Pursuit was wonderful as well. I’d highly recommend them if you are intent on getting well!”

“I cannot put into words how appreciative I am of Ron Miller and Pursuit Physical Therapy—he has sincerely changed my life!”

Debi W

Deanna L.

Former Ballet Dancer – Winter Park, FL

“After a bad back injury backstage in 2013, I thought I would never be the same person again. I was constantly in pain, constantly re-pinching nerves, constantly taking sick days from work to lay in bed with back spasms. I’d been to dozens of physical therapists before I found Pursuit, all of whom told me to “rest, ice and stretch.” Those physical therapists gave me exercises and told me that I wasn’t flexible enough and my hamstrings were tight even though I spent the first hour of my day every day stretching. I had lost hope in physical therapy and resigned myself to the fact that I was going to be “broken” for the rest of my life. Then, I found Ron through a mutual friend. During the consultation, he recognized almost instantly that my sciatica was a result of neural tension and nerve scarring which came to be when I herniated a disc in my lumbar. I’d never been told anything close to that. From the initial consultation, his one-on-one approach to patient care meant that I was seeing just one physical therapist for one hour who was entirely focused on my goals. When I first walked into Pursuit’s lobby, I was at a 5/10 pain level and it was a “good day.” We discussed my goals for recovery and I told Ron that I wanted to “be less in pain.” Now, three months later, I am working out every day, I am back to ballet, and I haven’t felt an ounce of back pain in over a month. I cannot put into words how appreciative I am of Ron Miller and Pursuit Physical Therapy—he has sincerely changed my life.”

Introducing…The Pursuit Sciatica Treatment Approach

We believe that working with a specific specialist for your care is the best way to solve the root cause of your pain. Work one-on-one with a Doctor of Physical Therapy every time your visit our office.

Solve the root cause of your sciatica

First, we solve the root cause of your pain so you clearly understand why you are experiencing your pain. I diagnosis of low back pain isn’t good enough! You will know exactly what is the underlying cause which means you don’t have to worry what is wrong or wonder what type of back pain do you have.

Identify all underlying risk factors

Next, we address all underlying risk factors so you never have to worry about your pain returning months later, which means you -won’t need a long,expensive, 8 month-time consuming treatment plan!

Get an accurate prognosis and timeline when to expect results

Next we give you an accurate timeline on when you should expect results that aligns with your goals so you know exactly what to expect and when you should see a results which means there will be a clear outline on your path to recovery

Only receive treatments that are proven to work

Next, we only perform treatments that are evidenced-based and proven to work for your back pain, so you get the best results. You won’t need to worry about wasting time and money on treatments that don’t work .

Get pain free and long-term results that last!

Finally at the end, we progress you through the final phase of recovery to get you the long-term, pain-free, results you want and get you back to the activities you love! Get pain free. No relapses. Long-term results. No medications. No Injections. No surgery!


Ron Miller


Doctor of Physical Therapy | Board Certified Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Clinical Specialist | Post-Doctoral Orthopaedic Residency Trained | Certified in Dry Needling | Titleist Performance Institute Certified

Dr. Ron Miller is the owner and founder of Pursuit Physical Therapy. His core belief is that it is not about the physician, the physical therapist, or the insurance company: it is about what is truly best for the patient. Dr. Miller started...

Carey Rothschild


Doctor of Physical Therapy and Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida | Board Certified Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist
| Board Certified Sport Clinical Specialist

Dr. Carey Rothschild is an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at the University of Central Florida.  Dr. Rothschild earned a Bachelor of Health Science in Physical Therapy in 1999 from the University of Florida and a Doctor of Physical Therapy from Boston University in 2005...

Carey Rothschild
Michael Fabrick


Doctor of Physical Therapy | Certified in Dry Needling | Pursuit Sports Performance Specialist | Professional Tennis Tour Physical Therapist

Dr. Michael Fabrick was born and raised in Hanover, Pennsylvania and attended Slippery Rock University where he received his Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. He then went on to receive his Doctorate Degree in Physical Therapy in May of 2020. During his final tenure as a Doctoral intern, he trained underneath Todd Ellenbecker, who is one of the world’s leading experts on shoulder rehabilitation and is the Vice President of Medical Services for the ATP World Tour...


Physical Therapist | Dry Needling Certified | Mastery Certified In Manual Therapy | Pelvic Floor And Post Partum Specialist

Maryann was originally born in Connecticut but moved to Florida with her family at the age of 9 and she grew up in Jupiter, Florida. She then went to college at the University of Central Florida...

Kayla Cook, DPT, HSP, CSCS

Doctor of Physical Therapy | Hesch Sacroiliac Practitioner | Certified Strength And Conditioning Specialist | Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Specialist | Volleyball Specialist

Dr. Kayla Cook was born and raised in Northern California and received her undergraduate degree in Kinesiology from California State University in Sacramento.  She then received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from The University of St Augustine for Health Sciences...

Take The First Step Towards Getting Pain Free!

Book Your Pursuit Evaluation Today!
  • We have a 91%success rate with our sciatica treatment approach!
  • Every treatment is customized just for you with personalized One-on-One care
  • You get treated by the BEST EXPERT who specializes in sciatica…every session!

Terry still had severe low back pain and sciatica after having fusion surgery….

“I am so thankful that I found Ron and his treatment has been very effective! He helped to rehab my back so that I could resume my previous activity level…I wasted months and hundreds of dollars at the first facility. Thankfully, Ron’s knowledge and care have me enjoying life again.” – Terry P.

Ed suffered with chronic low back pain for years and was even scared to bend over to pick up the newspaper!

“This type of individualized and focused treatment provides great results! In a few weeks I could see a reduction in pain…I never thought I would have such great results. I use to cringe to bend over and pickup my grandchildren, with Ron’s help and coaching, now I have little to no pain and I am deadlifting 130 lbs at the gym!” – Ed J.

Gary had sciatica for 13 years (even being only 28) and failed multiple other treatments…

Gary M

“I knew from the first appointment that I had FINALLY found somebody who could figure out what was needed to get me back on track…No matter how complex your issue, no matter how many times you have sought treatment, no matter what other practitioners have told you, give yourself one more shot and go to Pursuit Physical Therapy and get your quality of life back.” – Gary M

We Are The #1 Rated Clinic Online In Orlando With Over 300 Five-Star Patient Testimonials!

Even The Top Physicians In The Nation Work With Us!

“….I am very impressed with the comprehensive treatment approach and great outcomes our patients get at Pursuit. I cannot recommend Ron and his team highly enough.

Dr. Peter Moley, Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, The #1 Rated US Hospital for Orthopedics

CLICK HERE To Get Started

See What Other Sciatica Patients Are Saying About Their Experience And Results…

“​Pursuit will not have you wasting your time and money with a run of the mill plan to fix your problems. The plan you receive will be tailored to your needs…and I’m thrilled with my results!”

Debi W

Mike R.

“I was in pain for years. After injuring myself I found a physical therapy place and started physical therapy. I completed 38 sessions and was still not feeling great. I choose pursuit physical therapy because Maryann Daniels was able to pin point the problem causing my pain without imaging and the sessions are one on one. The care I received is different than other places. The care is one on one not one of three. You are told what to do for the problems you are experiencing, how to do it and why you are doing it. I experienced pain relief my first session and my pain improved after every session. I can now do my daily activities with no pain including climbing ladders, pushing heavy shopping carts and getting up and down from the ground. If you are still reading this, your in pain daily and so was I. I have tried other places but my experience at pursuit physical therapy with Maryann Daniels was what I have been looking for the last few years. Pursuit physical therapy will not have you wasting your time and money with a run of the mill plan to fix your problem’s. The plan you receive will be tailored to your needs and functions. After doing 10 sessions for the one problem I have decided to do another 5 sessions for a different problem I was having and I’m thrilled with the results.
Thank you Pursuit Physical Therapy and Maryann Daniels!”

My experience has been incredible and worth every cent. – they are incredible professionals, their skill-levels are UNMATCHED and they change lives every day! Believe it. Go there. Get your life back too!”

“After 4 sessions, I was pain free and back working out!”

Amy B.

“Dr. Michael Fabrick brought me back from facing serious spinal fusion surgery and got my pain level down from a 9 to a 0 in less than 6 weeks. I had debilitating sciatic nerve pain caused by a spinal fracture and protruding discs between L3-L4 and L4-L5. I am a tennis player and could not enjoy the activity I love the most, nor could I even stand or walk for more than 2 minutes at a time. I had undergone months of pain mgt. and “one size fits all” physical therapy at a well-known hospital system in Orlando to no avail, and was advised I needed spinal fusion back surgery. I found Pursuit Therapy when I googled sciatic nerve treatment. Admittedly, when I read the testimonials, I was skeptical. It just sounded too good to be true. Having nothing to lose, I gave them a shot as a last-ditch effort before surrendering to surgery. It was literally one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life! My very first appointment was an evaluation with Dr. Michael Fabrick, a well-known tennis pro physio (check him out on My Tennis Life on the Tennis Channel)! He immediately gave me hope and, by the end of the initial 90-minute eval, he told me he could help me recover and play tennis again without surgery. I saw Dr. Fabrick 2x per week for 6 weeks and “graduated” from the program yesterday. I have my life back!!! I am lifting weights and ready to start tennis again. Words do no justice in describing what Dr. Fabrick and Pursuit Therapy have done for my mind, body and spirit. Not only am I pain free now, but I have a maintenance plan for the future so I can avoid ever being back in the same predicament again. My experience has been incredible and worth every cent. I assure you that the testimonials on this website are all true – they are incredible professionals, their skill-levels are UNMATCHED and they change lives every day! Believe it. Go there. Get your life back too!“

“Within just one session, I saw results….and now I am at a complete and full recovery!”

Jai K.

Jai K.

“Within just one session, I was able to begin enjoying a semblance of my former fitness level – something no other professional had accomplished with me. He didn’t stop there, and worked with me over several months to a complete and full recovery. I’m now able to lift weights, run, and enjoy all the activities I thought were lost. I owe Ron my wellbeing and would, without hesitation, encourage anyone experiencing pain to follow Ron’s expert treatment. Thanks Ron!”

I can now do my 3 mile walks through the park or at the beach…without sciatica!”

Jai K.

Shirley S.

“I saw Dr. Miller because my sciatica pain on my left side was excruciating. Cortisone and epidurals offered only temporary nominal relief. My normal household and daily routines were not possible nor was my 3 mile daily walking exercise. I chose Ron Miller was because he was recommended by a family member who works in the legal field.  Ron’s approach was genuine and caring. He was committed to improving my physical and emotional well being with a long term quality of life plan. Within 3 weeks I could feel a great improvement! I can now stand for more than 20 minutes and take 3 mile walks through the park or at the beach. I can once again sit in the car, on a plane, or at a restaurant without being uncomfortable.  Before committing to surgical procedures or pain killers, give Pursuit the opportunity to use their genuine, intuitive and dedicated skills toward improving your quality of life…long term. Ron’s character is beyond reproach and he operates with pure integrity. Warm and compassionate “bedside” manner which is hard to come by in the medical field these days.”

I spent 4 years seeing a million doctors and physical therapists…but nothing worked!…After two months of treatment I experience absolutely no pain now! I 100% recommend Ron and Pursuit Physical Therapy!

Jai K.

Ana A.

“My name is Ana Acosta and I’m currently 49 years old, about four years ago I started having excruciating pain in my left hip in those four years I saw a million doctors and physical therapists, even took flights to Colombia to start shockwave treatments, attempting to fix my problem which was absolutely draining me and affected my everyday life. But absolutely nothing worked. While working, I was venting to one of my coworkers about my issue and how I tried absolutely everything. She ended up mentioning Dr. Ron Miller and how he changed her life with her back pain which she no longer suffered with, so I decided to give him a chance and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. At every appointment I felt as though we were getting closer to finding the main root to my problem and how to treat it which was tendinitis and flexor hip problems. His treatment plan is completely personalized and he didn’t treat me as an ill patient but made it a group effort to achieve my results and was their for me every step of the way. After two months of treatment I experience absolutely no pain and I can do all the movements I was not able to before like sitting down for a long period of time without pain, walking and all my daily activities. I 100% recommend Dr. Ron Miller if you’re looking for a personalized treatment plan, good doctor and team player.”

Call Now – And Don’t Suffer Another Day With Sciatica!

Book Your Pursuit Evaluation Today!


Here Is Everything You Get With The Pursuit Evaluation:

60 Minute Evaluation With The Board Certified Specialist

This comprehensive evaluation will focus on solving the root cause of your pain and making sure you fully understand why you have your low back pain and what is causing it

Identify and Address All Underlying Risk Factors Causing Your Sciatica

This is the biggest reason why many fail treatments and their low back pain returns. We will identify all risk factors and design a way to treat them

Understand Why You Are Experiencing Sciatica And Identify What Is Causing It…Without Needing Imaging

Identify the root cause of your pain! You will know exactly what is causing your pain and why it’s not go away with rest

Get Accurate Prognosis and Results Timeline

When should you expect results? You will know exactly what is causing your sciatica, when we expect to get results, and what phase of recovery you are in.

Learn What Is The Best and Most Proven Treatment For Your Sciatica

We don’t waste time with treatments that DON’T work. You will know what is the best way to treat your pain and what treatments we want to implement day one!

Receive Only One-On-One Patient Care

Never worry about getting double or tripled booked with other patients. Every session is one-on-one. Also, your treatment will never be performed with a tech or assistant…only by your doctor of physical therapy every session! You will never be passed around to multiple clinicians too. The same clinician treats you every time, throughout your treatment plan

Get Unlimited 24/7 Access Messaging Between You And Your Doctor Of Physical Therapy

Its time to take advantage of technology! No need to wait days and weeks to ask a question. Call, text, or email your therapist at any time and get instant feedback.

BONUS #1 Receive Treatment (The Same Day) To Help Reduce Pain

No sense in telling you what is wrong, but not doing anything about it! We want to start some treatment ASAP to help provide you with some relief

BONUS #2 Receive Customized Video Based Home Program

These home programs are easy to follow and allow you to continue our progress at home. This will expedite your results

BONUS #3 Get Bands, Loops, and Mobility Equipment Needed

No need to buy this on your own when we can get these for super cheap! Save money and the hassle of finding it on your own

BONUS #4 Money Back Guarantee!

No Questions Asked!

Yes..This is correct! No one in health care offers this! If you don’t like our treatment approach, or if you feel the treatment is not working, if you don’t like the results you are getting, we believe that you should not have to pay for treatment if it doesn’t work. So our treatment packages have a money back guarantee. If requested, we will give it all back to you. Full refund. No questions asked. No hard feelings.

Take The First Step Towards Recovery And Getting Pain Free!

Book Your Pursuit Evaluation Today!


Step 1

Step 1:

Call our expert team.
Step 2

Step 2:

We’ll work with you to find and treat the root cause of your pain.
Step 3

Step 3:

Get back to doing what you love.

Call us to schedule your appointment

(407) 494-8835
(407) 494-8835

Ask one of our Board Certified Specialists a question about your pain. Just fill out the form below.

    How can we help?