Early Signs And Symptoms Of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
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Signs and symptoms of early Thoracic Outlet Syndrome to pay attention to are:
  1. some repetitive upper extremity motion triggers symptoms
  2. lateral neck tightness
  3. feel a chronic upper trap and side of neck deep ache
  4. possible numbness and tingling in arm
  5. neck stretching does NOT relieve pain
  6. pec stretching does NOT relieve pain
  7. may have pain along clavicle or upper chest area
  8. taking a deep breathe increases pain in lateral neck and clavicle region
  9. elevating shoulder (ie shoulder shrug) decreases pain
These are symptoms to pay attention to and may show that you have the early onset of thoracic outlet syndrome. These cases do very well with early treatment and try to not allow this to get to a chronic cases….then it get way more complex. Our goal is to solve this early and prevent it from ever getting to a chronic complex case. If your ready to get started just CLICK HERE to schedule your evaluation