Rotator Cuff Tendinitis - Pursuit Physical Therapy
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What is rotator cuff tendinitis?

Disorders of the rotator cuff and the tissues around it are the most common causes of shoulder pain in people over 40 years of age. Rotator cuff tendinitis occurs when a shoulder tendon (a bundle of fibers connecting muscle to bone) is irritated and becomes sore. With continued irritation, the tendon can begin to break down, causing tendinosis—a chronic, long-term condition. People who perform repetitive or overhead arm movements, such as weightlifters, overhead athletes, and manual laborers are most at risk for developing rotator cuff tendinitis. Poor posture can also contribute to its development. A physical therapist can help you identify and correct risk factors for rotator cuff tendinitis, and help you decrease your pain while improving your shoulder motion and strength.

What are common causes of rotator cuff tendinitis?

The rotator cuff muscles are a group of 4 muscles that attach the humerus (upper-arm bone) to the scapula (shoulder blade). The rotator cuff muscles help raise, rotate, and stabilize the upper arm. A tendon is a bundle of fibers that connect the muscles to the bone. Rotator cuff tendinitis occurs when the tendon connected to the rotator cuff muscles becomes inflamed and irritated. It can be caused by:
  • Poor posture, such as rounded shoulders caused by leaning over a computer for long periods of time.
  • Repetitive arm movements, such as those performed by a hair stylist or painter.
  • Overhead shoulder motions, such as those performed by baseball pitchers or swimmers.
  • Tight muscles and tissues around the shoulder joint.
  • Weakness and muscle imbalances in the shoulder blade and shoulder muscles.
  • Bony abnormalities of the shoulder region that cause the tendons to become pinched (shoulder impingement syndrome).

Where does it hurt?

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What are common symptoms of rotator cuff tendinitis?

Rotator cuff tendinitis is characterized by shoulder pain that can occur gradually over time or start quite suddenly. The pain occurs in the shoulder region and sometimes radiates into the upper arm. It does not usually radiate past the elbow region. You may be symptom free at rest or experience a mild, dull ache; however, pain can be moderate to severe with certain shoulder movements. Reaching behind the body to perform a motion, as in fastening a seat belt, can be very painful. So can overhead activities, such as throwing, swimming, reaching into a cupboard, or combing your hair. The pain can worsen at night, especially when rolling over or attempting to sleep on the painful side. You may notice weakness when lifting and reaching for household items. Holding a heavy platter or taking a pan off the stove may become difficult.

Can rotator cuff tendinitis be treated?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer viverra iaculis odio, in aliquam dui porta sed. Nullam vel gravida odio. Integer non laoreet mi. Sed ultrices vitae ex id consequat. Donec sed blandit ligula. Nulla facilisi.
“I came to Pursuit Therapy with neck and shoulder pain tightness […] immediately experienced results after my first session. I am not only pain free and have full range of motion, I also have the knowledge to prevent this from happening again. I wouldn’t think twice about recommending Pursuit Therapy!”

What happens if it goes untreated?

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What outcome can you expect from treatment?

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How is it diagnosed?

A physical therapist will perform an evaluation and ask you questions about the pain and other symptoms you are feeling. Your therapist may perform strength and motion tests on your shoulder, ask about your job duties and hobbies, evaluate your posture, and check for any muscle imbalances and weakness that can occur between the shoulder and the scapular muscles. Your physical therapist will gently touch your shoulder in specific areas to determine which tendon or tendons are inflamed, and special tests may need to be performed to determine this.

How can a Physical Therapist treat it?

It is important to get proper treatment for tendinitis as soon as it occurs. A degenerated tendon that is not treated can begin to tear causing a more serious condition. Physical therapy can be very successful in treating rotator cuff tendinitis, tendinosis, and shoulder impingement syndrome. You will work with your physical therapist to devise a treatment plan that is specific to your condition and goals. Your individual treatment program may include: Pain management. Your physical therapist will help you identify and avoid painful movements to allow the inflamed tendon to heal. Ice, ice massage, or moist heat maybe used for pain management. Therapeutic modalities, such as iontophoresis (medication delivered through an electrically charged patch) and ultrasound may be applied. Manual therapy. Your physical therapist may use manual techniques, such as gentle joint movements, soft-tissue massage, and shoulder stretches to get your shoulder moving again in harmony with your scapula. Range-of-motion exercises. You will learn exercises and stretches to help your shoulder and shoulder blade move properly, so you can return to reaching and lifting without pain. Strengthening exercises. Your physical therapist will determine which strengthening exercises are right for you, depending on your specific condition. You may use weights, medicine balls, resistance bands, and other types of resistance training to challenge your weaker muscles. You will receive a home-exercise program to continue rotator cuff and scapular strengthening, long after you have completed your formal physical therapy. Patient education. Posture education is an important part of rehabilitation. For example, when your shoulders roll forward as you lean over a computer, the tendons in the front of the shoulder can become pinched. Your physical therapist may suggest adjustments to your workstation and work habits. Functional training. As your symptoms improve, your physical therapist will help you return to your previous level of function that may include household chores, job duties and sports- related activities. Functional training can include working on lifting a glass into a cupboard or throwing a ball using proper shoulder mechanics. You and your physical therapist will decide what your goals are, and get you back to your prior level of functioning as soon as possible.
“After at least three years of doctor-hopping […] looking for someone to alleviate my constant dizziness and neck pain, I finally found Dr. Miller. I have more energy and less pain, and have halved my dependence on painkillers. He shouldn’t be the last stop on your road to recovery, he should be the first.”

How long does it take for a recovery?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer viverra iaculis odio, in aliquam dui porta sed. Nullam vel gravida odio. Integer non laoreet mi. Sed ultrices vitae ex id consequat. Donec sed blandit ligula. Nulla facilisi.

How much does it cost?

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How long are sessions?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer viverra iaculis odio, in aliquam dui porta sed. Nullam vel gravida odio. Integer non laoreet mi. Sed ultrices vitae ex id consequat. Donec sed blandit ligula. Nulla facilisi.

Is there anything that I can do at home to help with rotator cuff tendinitis?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer viverra iaculis odio, in aliquam dui porta sed. Nullam vel gravida odio. Integer non laoreet mi. Sed ultrices vitae ex id consequat. Donec sed blandit ligula. Nulla facilisi.
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How can it be prevented?

Rotator cuff tendinitis can be prevented by:
  • Maintaining proper shoulder and spinal posture during daily activities, including sitting at a computer.
  • Performing daily stretches to the shoulder and upper back to maintain normal movement. Tightness in the upper back, or a rounded shoulder posture will decrease the ability to move your torso, and that makes the shoulder have to work harder to perform everyday activities, such as reaching for objects.
  • Keeping your upper body strong, including the upper back and shoulder-blade muscles will help prevent tendinitis. Many people work the muscles in their chest, arms, and shoulders, but it is also important to work the muscles around the shoulder blade and upper back. These muscles provide a strong foundation for your shoulder function. Without a strong foundation, muscle imbalances occur and put the shoulder at risk for injury.

What are next steps?

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Step 1:

Call our expert team.

Step 2:

We’ll work with you to find and treat the root of your pain.

Step 3:

Get back to doing what you love.

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