| How Much Will It Cost To Treat My Low Back Pain?
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With healthcare reform coming, whether you know this or not, you the patient will be more responsible for the out of pocket cost of your healthcare.  So it would be helpful if you knew how much it is exactly going to cost you before you seek treatment for any condition or injury right.  Yes. Even better, what if someone else could get you pain free, for less money, and even get you faster results! Just getting you thinking a little bit and being aware of choosing the right treatment for you. So lets use the example of low back pain. Don't Wait to See a Physical Therapist Graphic A recent study in the Journal of Health Services Research, showed that patients with a new onset of low back who were directly referred to physical therapy was less expensive than imaging, but also resulted in less cost over the following year.  How much of a difference was it?

Initial cost of :

Referral to Physical Therapy group = $508

Referral for Imaging group = $1,306

One year cost of Low Back Pain was :

Started physical therapy first = $1,871

Started imaging first = $6,664

Wow, that’s a big difference! The initial referral to imaging for low back pain leads to an increased odds of surgery, injections, specialist visits, and visits to the ER which led to the increased costs.  And we already know of the “REAL” importance of knowing you have a degenerative disc at L5 when almost 70% of people in their 40’s have it without LBP.  Just look at the percentage of positive finding in people who DO NOT have low back pain: Lumbar Spine Chart The numbers don’t lie!  If you have to pay for the out of pocket expensive, physical therapy is a much cheaper and cost effective option. If you are tired of dealing with low back pain, call now at 407-494-8835 and schedule your physical therapy evaluation today! Best Physical Therapist Award Get out of pain today, regardless if you have a herniated disc or degeneration, with our proven Low Back Pain Program!